Measure name/formatting

You can assign a custom name to any measure configured within a view. The measure name will be displayed in the measure axis header (in Bar, Line, and Area views) and in tool-tips. If you leave this blank the default name will be used, for example "Age (Mean)".

You can also override the formatting options for numeric and date measures. The formatting determines how the measure value will be displayed within the view. You can explicitly set the formatting for a field using a Field Organiser block within the workflow feeding your report. 

Field-based measures will inherit this formatting by default. 

When you configure a field or formula measure, you can select "Overide formatting options" to specify the exact formatting you would like Omniscope to use.


We have added options to allow you to specify the alignment of content in the following places:


You can configure the horizontal and vertical alignment of the pane-X and pane-Y headers. These can be configured in the Paning options.

Table view

You can configure the horizontal and vertical alignment of column headers, row headers and cells in the Table view. These can be configured in the Style options.

Pivot view

You can configure the horizontal and vertical alignment of the pane-X headers, pane-Y headers and cells within the Pivot view. These can be configured in the Style options.

Bar, Line etc

You can configure the horizontal alignment of the split/measure labels. These can be configured in the Style options.