Omniscope 2018.1: version numbers and build types

Posted almost 7 years ago by Steve Spencer

Steve Spencer
Steve Spencer Admin

In the coming weeks we'll launch a major new version, Omniscope 2018.1, for download here: 

Until then, we have an online sandbox you can play with.

This represents a totally new platform for data processing, analytics and reporting, with a uniform web-based experience across all devices and operating systems.

With Omniscope 2018.1, we're bringing in a new build versioning and naming system. 

Version numbers

Omniscope 2018.1 (formerly 3.0) is the next generation of Omniscope. The previous version was 2.9+, a native desktop application. Version 2018.1 represents the first release in the year 2018, and will still be undergoing development for some time. Should we freeze development this year, 2018.2 will become the next version in development, with 2018.1 only updated occasionally for maintenance fixes.

Build naming

Typically on a daily basis, automated builds of Omniscope with the latest developments are tested and uploaded to our download page (coming soon). They'll be classified as follows:

  1. ROCK builds. These have undergone an extensive period of hands-on testing and fixing.

  2. Passing automated tests. These have completed a large set of automated tests, including a wide variety of use case simulations, and passed all.

  3. (not classified) - unclassified builds may appear here occasionally. This just means we haven't run the tests on them.

For production servers, choose the latest ROCK build. If you want to see the latest developments as soon as they are released, choose the latest of all daily builds; you'll be able to send us your comments with the shortest feedback loop.

If you encounter any issues or have any suggestions, make sure you're testing the latest build, and send us a message as a support ticket or an email to - all feedback welcome.

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